Feeling vs Knowing

Hello friends,

My life has been insane and weird and absolutely wonderful.

As I told my friend recently," I know I'm fine I just don't feel like it."

But that's the thing, it's ok to rest in what you know and not what you feel.

Feelings are testy things that change every second.

What you know and what you feel aren't the same thing.

When I'm in rehearsal  trying to keep small children quiet in the wings or when I'm exhausted and can't sing the way I want to, or when I almost pass out on stage when I'm trying to lead worship, or when I'm  doing school and I've lost my 4.0, I have to rest in what I know.

I know that God is good and He loves me more than I can comprehend.

I know that there are beautiful things and people in this world even when I'm too busy to notice.

I know that I have an amazing, supportive group of friends who are there for me even when I've been to busy to see them.

I know that God's plan for me is perfect.

I know that my family will always be there.

I know that I am made in the image of God and through Christ I am more than a conqueror.

He's in control and I'm not.  He's already written my story.  I'm not holding the pen because God is.

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