Purposeful Pages

It's time again for the amazing and fun link up, Purposeful Pages. (A.K.A. I have writers block and I want to write something worth reading.
So here we go!

no. 1 How have you been growing spiritually this month? What has God been teaching you?
I can't honestly say I've grown much, but I'm trying. God has been teaching me about the importance of obeying authority, and the reasons why. You may not always like your authorities, but God has them in your life for a reason. LISTEN TO THEM!

no. 2 When you’re under stress, what actions do you take that help calm you and keep you sane?
It depends on the type of stress. When I'm stressed I get these huge knots in my neck, so there's slapping/punching of my own back in an attempt to break up the stress knot. Sometimes theirs an explosion of words, to my bff or my Dad. And most of the times there is tears and chocolate eating. I need some sugar when I'm stressed, so that happens.
no. 3 Who are some people that inspire you, and in what ways do they do that?
I've always been inspired by Annie Oakley. She stuck to her values, and was very successful in show business.

no. 4 Have you learned any tricks this past month that have helped you in your blogging journey?
If you have no idea what to blog about, you can just blog about your day. I was able to come up with , Back On The Dance Floor, and the Not-So-Restful Day of rest with this method.

no. 5 What is it about a book that makes you keep on reading? If you’re a writer, how can you  incorporate that into your own books?
I think the things about a book that make me keep reading are
1. It's content is clean and uplifting
2. The author's style is captivating and not long and dull
3. I relate to the book

no. 6 What’s a book cover (or album, movie, etc.) that describes your life right now, and why?
That's a hard question...

no. 7 Do you have a song in mind that you’d consider your current theme song? (Or a book, movie, TV show, etc.)
I consider Brit Nichole's, Still That Girl as my life theme song because it literally describes me. It describes a girl with blue eyes and brown hair with big dreams, and it just fit. As for right now, I don't have a current theme song.

no. 8 If you’re a writer, how do you see yourself incorporated (most of the time unknowingly) inside your stories?

no. 9 How have you seen aspects of God’s character through other people recently?
I've seen an aspect of God's character in my friend, Nichole recently. She just automatically has a desire to take care of everyone around her. She always offers to do things for me when we're together. God, takes care of His people, through each other.

no. 10 How long, on average, does it take you to put together a blog post? Are you the morning person working at 5 am, the afternoon blogger, or the night owl up until midnight trying to throw things together?
It usually takes me about 15 minutes (If I don't have writer's block.) I'm not a morning person and I usually put together posts at around 8 or 9 ish.

1 comment

  1. Sammmmm
    This was so good. I miss you guys down there. + hehhe rambles to bff *raises hand*
    Thanks for participating!!!!!!!!!!!


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