A summer's picnic

A warm breeze blows through your hair but it is comforting

A blue eyed baby rests contentedly on your arm

You sit by her mother and listen to the hum of young mother's conversations

You argue with a friend about the spelling of your own name

You're right and he's wrong

You eat as much food as you want and forget about other people's opinion

You sit beside your closest friend and talk

There is a freedom in your conversation

You can tell her anything

You realize that your older now

Growing dangerously near adulthood

You hold flowers close to yourself, finding strength in there beauty

You pick out the smallest ones and place them in your hair on an impulse

It's nights like these that make life worth living

That subtle joy you don't realize you're feeling

Life is beautiful, the summer is freedom, and God is good


© This Stage of Life. Design by Fearne.