Dream Chasing: The struggle is real

      I remember someone asking me in the middle of Freshmen year, "How are you enjoying drama?"  I wanted to answer,"I almost don't even want to go, I'm exhausted, I feel like I don't know what I'm doing, I'm not good enough, I feel like a fool, I'm about to fall over right now from exhaustion."  Sometimes chasing a dream requires mind over matter.  I responded, " I have to remember I LOVE THIS, no matter what I'm feeling right now."

     Sometimes dream chasing is crying for no particular reason,while at the same time having a thousand different reasons. You break down and cry because you realize this is taking more than you thought.  Everyone experiences the show, but not many people experience the 20 hours a week for eight months.  Nobody realizes you live, sleep , and breath this literally.  It really does take blood sweat and tears.

     When pursue a dream with everything in you, you realize your mortality.  Your body is weak, your emotions even weaker, and your heart the weakest.  You're human.

     I'm not here to discourage you, I just want to be completely real.  Chasing a dream isn't always fun.  It certainly has it's fun moments.  You really do enjoy your dream, but it also exhausts you.  Chasing a dream is laughter, joy, fulfillment, and satisfaction, but it's also uncontrollable tears, sleepless nights, nervous breakdowns, and despair.  The fact that it is joy and pain combined makes it valuable

     Nothing worth doing is easy.  Nothing that lasts is easily won.  When you give yourself to something you take personal responsibility.  This isn't just talk, this is yours.  You've earned this.  Who would want  a dream that didn't belong to them ?
"And ain't nobody want to see you down in the dumps
Because you're living your dream and this should be fun
Please know that I'm not trying to preach like I'm reverend run
I beg you don't be disappointed with the man I've become" - Ed Sheeran 

"Beat up but won't be broken
Lonesome but always searching
Homesick but nobody's heading home soon
Keep on, keeping on, keeping on...
To the dreamers
Wide-eyed believers
Hanging onto hope by a thread
To the soulful
Heart open hopeful
Keep on charging ahead
'Cause, when you feel it, once you see it, and you breathe it
It's unforgettable
When you know it, once you know it, and you hold it
It's unforgettable." - For King and Country



  1. YOU GO SAMANTHA! (can't wait for your next show)

  2. I relate to this post. As someone who aspires to be a successful, full-time novelist, it's super hard to make time for what I want to be done when twenty other things are vying for my attention, and when I do have time to work on said things (finally), I get exhausted. My body falls into a slump. One of my friends, who is crazy into the theatre scene (while it's something I enjoy doing, it's not my call to do theatre full time) has theatre rehearsals from when she gets out from school until ten, and it's insane how much she has to handle. I'm glad that while you see the harsh reality of it, you keep going.

    xoxo Abigail Lennah | ups & downs


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