The crazy emtional balance of everything

I feel like that lady in Mom's Night Out. "I am  a blogger, I am a [student] blogger...."  How long has it been since I posted anything?  I'm sorry you guys, but LIFE....
   Not that I don't love to blog, it's just my crazy life,  Rehearsals, school, rehearsals school and did I mention rehearsals?  I have been drowned beneath homework and trying to get to rehearsal on time. My messy bun and my coffee cup have been my very best of friends, and sleep is positively optional. My production is very quickly approaching, and my whole life is a blur. I'm just trying to keep my head above water.  In a word my life is exhaustion.  I two words my life is beautiful exhaustion.
     The cast in my current production is rather large but I'm one of the two teenage girls.  The production is the story of the Bible.  So with only two teenage girls they are using us both of us in multiple places. I'm playing three roles, understudying one role and two solos, and I choreographed my own 16- count dance solo.  I'm bouncing from "The Women," (Revelation 12) to Eve, to Mary mother of God.  My emotions are flying everywhere.
      A lot of people who don't do theatre think that acting is becoming someone else.  IT'S NOT.  It's finding the similarities between you and your character and showing them to the audience.  It's not becoming someone else, it's finding someone inside of you.  It's learning something new about yourself.
      So since acting isn't "acting"  you can image my crazy emotions.  I leave rehearsals exhausted and emotionally spent.  I have literally cried for no reason on the way home.  Because of the emotional commitment, I've had to find creative ways to come in to rehearsals full so I can leave emotionally stable.

1.  Reading my Bible
2. listening to good music
3. stretching(Plea, tondue, split, straddle,)
4.  Riding my bike on a cool morning
5.  Texting a friend
6. laughing with my friends at drama about the craziness of trying to get this huge production together
7. Drinking lots of water
8. A hot cup of tea
9.  A large iced coffee
10.  Vocal warm ups(do-re-me-fa-so-la-ti-do-ti-la-so-fa-me-re-do)
11.  Spending extra time getting ready(who doesn't feel more confident with a perfect makeup job?)
12. Wear high-heels to rehearsal just because feeling taller makes me feel good
13. Intentionally making sure my nails are done the night before(it's important, it makes me feel terrible if I look down and my nails are chipped)
14. Exercise!

      I know these feel frivolous, but seriously they help.  When your going somewhere to give something of yourself, you have to fill yourself up.  These things are important because they make me feel good, they help me prepare myself to be the best I can be.  They give me emotional rest so I'm ready to really be the characters I need to be.

1 comment

    awwwwww. I NEED TO SEE YOU SOON. Yes there are so many things that get me back on track my my anxiety ugh. Like good music (haha twenty one pilots) and making music. Aw your nails look great. Mine are always short and scratched from the guitar xD
    hehe makeup and high heels. that's all you but i'm all for spiderman sweathshirts and sweatpants (and never emerging from my desk)
    we are oppisites. (plus i would probably break my ankles wearing high heels)


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