A homechooler's back-to-school

I'm so over homeschoolers being stereo typed.  WE'RE NORMAL KIDS, WITH NORMAL LIVES.    I even had to do back-to-school shopping.  I found some great buys at three of my favorite stores ever (New York and Company <3 , Bass clothes supply and W shoes)  I got the khaki pants on the left for 12$ at Bass, the jeans in the middle at NYC for 30$, the khakis on the right for 25$, and the shoes for 20$ at W shoes.
I have classes WITH CLASSMATES, and  other activities to look forward to.  One day a week I will go to a co-op which is a group of homeschoolers taking classes together.  This co'up will be conducted like school.  I will have four classes each time I go , each and hour and a half long, with a five minute break in-between.  then I will do the homework all week after that.  It will be due the next week when I come back.  And I had to go shopping because of the dress code. The rest of the week however, my dress code can be whatever I want it to be (cough pajamas cough)

With school, comes the activities, Dance, Drama, Speech club, and if we can find a voice teacher, voice.  In Dance I will be pursuing tap and jazz. 

 In Drama I'm going to be in a new production called "The Scarlet Thread."  I'm going to be in the premier.  

  In Speech club I will compete in a tournament with cash prizes.

   And in voice, right now I just need to find a teacher.

So take that stereo type.  I have a life.


  1. Homeschooling stereotypes are the WORST. xD But I loved this post!!

  2. Yessss. People usually think we are un social people who just can't draw a good circle 😂😂😂
    Love this Samanthat


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